

Darkness (story? poem? not really sure)
I could never understand how anyone can be afraid of the dark. Are they afraid of being unable to see? Are they afraid of what might be hiding in the shadows? Or are they afraid of something else entirely?

I'm serious, because all of my life, I've never been scared of such a thing. I have fears just like everybody. My fears are pretty common you see. The fear of death and being alone for all eternity.

But being afraid of the dark, I just don't understand. And don't get me wrong, I'm not making fun. I would never do such a thing. I just want to know why this fear is feared by so many.

Weren't we all born in the dark? I know for sure that I grew up with the darkness. The shadows were my friends. When things went wrong I'd hide and they'd protect me from the things that I feared.

So I'm unable to be afraid, you see, of the one thing that was always there for me. All the darkness is, to me, is beauty. For in the dark, I feel safe.