

One phone call, one text.
I'm Jonathan. I'm a pre-med college student. I don't have much interest in medicine but my parents believe it would be best for me to become a surgeon. I am very interested in architecture but my parents don't support that. I am gay. My parents are very religious and I've been in the closet for a while now.

I'm a smart kid, I pass all the tests but suffer from depression. I decided to come out to my parents last week, when I paid them a visit. I told them I was gay and wished to quit pre-med. They said I was not gay. They blamed it on the people I hanged out with. My mom slapped me and my dad cursed me out.

I left the house in tears. I got back to campus and found out that my best friend was shot and killed. My professors said I could take a break off school work for a while. I've been in my dorm for 3 days now and I've been getting phone calls from family, judging me for my actions. Many of them questioned my morals, even childhood friends.

I have had it with everything. I am financially living off my parents, who hate me. I am a depressed faggot, worth less than human. I should just kick this chair I'm standing on and hang to death.

(ring...ring...) My phone rings. It's an unknown caller. Do I pick up? Or let go?

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