

Burning Pages
A wet leaf fell on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Startled she shifted from her hiding place behind the bush she looks around and no one is near and she doesn't recognize where she is. she looks for anything that will tell her where she is, street signs, billboards anything. After an hour of walking and looking for any sign to where she ended up she found a small shop that was called Clarence Markets and with that she knew where she was and in that same instant everything went black. when she woke up she found herself chained to the wall in a cool and damp room which she assumed was someones basement. The next thing that hit her was the smell, it was so bad the she almost puked, it smelled like rotting flesh. She looked around and saw a pile of human bodies and next to them was an incinerator she started to fear the worst. She started to hear footsteps coming her way , they stopped right in front of her, when she looked up she saw the face of a mad man. He was 5 foot 9 and had multiple scars on his face and he is smiling with yellow teeth and she can tell he want's to do terrible things to her. He starts to put himself onto her but, she fights back which starts to make him angy. The more he tries the more she fights and the angrier he gets. she fought him off one last time which made him so angry he started to punch and kick her in as many places he could inflict the most pain when he was done he went back up stairs and she just layed there crying. Moments later he came back this time with a machete, she begged him to let her go, despite her efforts he sat her up, raised his hand and then a loud thud. when he was done the machete was bloody and her head on the floor. He unchained her and put her bodie on the pile, so he can incinerate the one who had betrayed him.