

18th june 2021
I feel an urge to call him today. And this isn't any kind of normal urge, I really want to do it but I can't maybe I shouldn't and this feels so bad. I miss those days when he would call me almost daily and talk for hours. Where did all that go? Can a span of 2-3 months change so much in person? I dont even know the answer to this question. I miss seeing his name flashing on my screen. I wish I could just have a small conversation with him. But as said wishes never come true, right. Calling isn't a big deal but I know I would face it's consequences. I know it won't be as pleasant as I want it to be. Maybe this would hurt me more than flipping and texting him. I wonder would he even be thinking about me? Would he miss me? Does he get any such urges any time? Does he still have feelings for me? Does he love me? Is he seeing someone else? What are all those posts about? And again my questions gets unanswered because this time he ain't there to answer them. And I can't kill myself more by overthinking. So yeah there's no way out of this. Depression is a maze, once you get into it, there's no way out. It keeps you moving but deeper and deeper into solitude.