

Not that innocent
(read the prologue and chater 1 before you read this chapter)
Chapter 2
"Nice house" she said while looking around.
"You like it ? Well it's ok".
They didn't have much to say. They hadn't seen each other for four years.
"So, are you planning to stay here for long?" he took a deep breath "Sorry that came out wrong".
"It's okay" she smiled "I was actually thinking to stay for a while. If that's okay with you ?".
"Yeah it's cool"he stopped and took a deap breath and quickly changed the topic. "So are you planning on .... You know going back to school?".
"I...I don't know".
"I know you didn't have the most normal childhood. With everything that happened you didn't really have the chance the life that every children deserves. So why don't you try to do a new start? Nobody knows anything about us, about who you really are. You will be able to live like a normal teenager. Come on, what do you say ?".
"Okay I am not gonna promise you anything, but I will try".