

Some dreams are meant to come true. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do you run the opposite way or face your fears? Sometimes you have to give up if it causes you pain and destroys you, you need to change your direction and not turn back, in life there will be defeats and victories, but after each incident there will be a lesson that will strengthen your character and make you make a strong person but the strongest are the people who have experienced great pain, we should dream and hope never to lose the child in us but unfortunately as we grow and mature we face the darkness and the painful reality that it is not as simple as we are they imagined and dreamed, people in life has to learn and go through several stages, the first is to learn and struggle, later he has to evolve into the next stage of learning and fighting to achieve what he envisioned, and then comes peace and sweet fruits, nothing will change during the day, but with patience and never losing hope, the most important thing is not to lose hope because if we lose the last thing in pandora's box then we are already dead and we won't be able to come back anymore...

© DarkPoet
