

Witch Tales
There was a little girl who loves magic so much, every night she would imagine something about magic and it makes her so happy.

Because of that obsession of magic there was one night, she imagined again while looking at the stars, and suddenly there was a falling star, she looked so surprised when she saw it, but her mother called her so she closed the window and goes down stares.

She finished what her mother asked her to do and suddenly goes to bed and act like she saw nothing.

The next morning.

She opened her eyes and rubs it, she got up from bed and brushed her mouth and suddenly remembered what she saw, she shakes her head and ignored it.

She went outside to buy something and suddenly there was a big explosion near to her house, she was so afraid so she suddenly ran leaving what she was supposed to do.

She saw a woman with a stick she's holding, she wondered why she have a stick.

And here comes another woman with some kind of flying shadow.

She opened her eyes so wide and with a shocked face.

[Wait for part two old, Hope you like it]
© Sami