

Essence of Death
The dark truth is we are mortal and one day we will face our death. Still we stubborn humans try to escape or delay our death. We are least interested in the time between our birth and death. We never think about the moments.We are just busy in our race of better survival than others. Their's a invisible key of happiness in the moments we live. Our fear, anger, sadness, joy and every another emotion gives glimpse of Happiness. This small glimpse is where you live were you feel alive. So try to create moments rather than just thinking of future which is yet to come or maybe there won't be a future. Happiness gives eternal satisfaction to our soul. If you are stuck in your past and surviving just coz your heart is beating. Then take a knife and shove it through your heart if you have balls to do it. But no one dares to kiss his death with his own bare lips. The feeling of being dead energizes your soul to survive. A small prick of needle hurts like hell. Imagine the amount of pain when the heart is just gonna say goodbye to you. It doesn't matter that everyone gonna die oneday but it matters that you are feeling alive in every moment of your life.
© hiitesh