

The ticking of his internal clock and zapping of his circuits were not what they used to be. Rusting and stiff R0b3rt powered on as his master walked by. His innocent and cheerful greeting always brightened his master on the gloomiest of days.

"Ma'am, my sensors indicate you are experiencing a problem. Shall I be of assistance?" R0b3rt asked as he attempted to stand but his joints seized up.

The woman adjusted her head covering and wiped a tear away. Her pacing slowed as he approached the lockbox above the refrigerator. The fingerprint scanner beeped with a confirmed match. A soft click filled the room and the small box opened itself to reveal the single item nestled in its velvet lined hole. The object shined from the luminescent LED lights above her was the K-frame of a DRAX-44 Revolver and the eight cartridges neatly placed in their designated spots.

Clinking metal and whirling pistons filled the dreadful silence in the kitchen. "R0b3rt." The woman whispered, "you served me well. I failed you." she paused and opened the cylinder of the weapons. "I'm so sorry."

His pale blue eyes flickered with an emotionless gaze. Androids were always difficult to understand because of how mute and matter-of-fact their expression tended to be. His face turned away from the woman and looked at the dog food bowl that has been collecting dust for some time now.

"Ma'am." he responded. "My functions have surpassed my manufacturers expectations. Of course, you know what is best. I will not resist. Permission to monologue my final moments?"

"Granted" she answered.

R0b3rt adjusted himself in a more upright position despite his fragile frame. His painted-on suit had many pieces chipped off and faded from many years of yard work and outings with the family he served. Even the engraved name of the late young master Kirk has been rubbed down so much the name is hardly recognizable. His eyes locked on Kirk's name.

"Ma'am, I did care for young master Kirk as much as a R0b3rt could. My programming was state-of-the-art in nursing and yet, my attempts to help were in vain. If only I had the touch humans have, he would still be here. Am I to blame? I still play the recordings of our days in the garden and play grounds. They help me remind myself of days that warm my steel frame and porcelain exterior. The Lord never forgave me for young master Kirk's passing, I do not fault him. Had I knew it was a sickness that was beyond my capabilities, he would surely had been the new Lord of the manor. Ma'am, I have served and been of service to your family for decades. Can you be so merciful to make my expiration swift? R0b3rts are not programmed to feel pain. But the pain of failure I have caused is to much for me to acknowledge."

The hammer of the DRAX-44 was drawn back by the lady. She aimed the sights directly at the forehead of R0b3rt. "R0b3rt. Please forgive me." she said with a quiver in her voice. "This wasn't how it was supposed to end." Her finger slid to the trigger.

"How was it supposed to end, ma'am?" R0b3rt rubbed his fingers up and down his arm creating the sound of gently scrapping stone and steel. "You are that all that remains of this House. The Lord was ruined by his folly at war and the children...they were too pure for this world. The other servants have departed due to lack of payment. Yet you kept me as a mechanical servant. Now I fail to even move as if I was a disabled man. As the expression goes: I am a horse with a broken leg, you must do what you must." R0b3rt's eyes were transfixed with the woman's. She could not look at him too long without grief consuming her too much.

She took one step closer without withdrawing the handgun. "Damn it all to Hell, R0b3rt! You cannot pretend to imagine the misery i have faced up to this moment! I have lost everything and my world is in ruins. Please spare me from more heartache as I do this task. Your life has been unkind to you and I hope you understand me for what I must do." She said with a bitter tone.

R0b3rt bowed his head in honor and replied, "I forgive you and you have shown me kindness a R0b3rt has never experienced. Please Ma'am, I will place myself in rest-mode to make this process less painful for you." His eyes began to fade and the speaker announced "Powering off"

The lady slowly squeezed the trigger and whispered, "I'm sorry R0b3rt." A large flash and deafening bang filled the oppressive air. As the lights in the house began to dim and extinguish one last time. The kitchen stayed lit for hours. As the moon hovered above the once glorious manor, the kitchen dimmed and the light was extinguished. The silent night was disturbed once more with a finally and faint pop from the manor. It would not be for one more that the home would be swarmed with red and blue lights and a dozen people placing caution tape all around the property.

Thus was the end of a once great family, whose only crime was kindness to a machine that was made to serve. For this the world would not show them an ounce of humanity for the plagues they had endured.