

Diaries of a Dumbass Pt.2
The girls also resonate with Harry Potter, even though the author is transphobic. They haven't bought any books anyway so it's not like they are supporting her. Skylar is a Ravenclaw and Raven is either a Gryffindor or a Slytherin. But when Raven gets wholesome Skylar likes to call her Hufflepuff. The girls can get very wholesome and display Hufflepuff-like qualities but they are usually more like the houses mentioned earlier.
A significant amount of time after, Skylar has also gone bowling with her mother. Skylar doesn't like bowling but her competitiveness can make anything seem fun to her.
Another thing to mention, Raven has somehow made 2 cults in a video game. They call them cults but they're not really cults. Also she has been messaging one of the members. She says he is nice but Skylar is uneasy concidering he was from a "cult".
A while later, Raven had been messaging said cult member. Then Raven texted Skylar, Raven was worried that she had been disrupting his life. Both girls are very predominant overthinkers. Which is not uncommon amongst their generation which is known for thier astounding number of mental health problems.
The girls go back and forth about overthinking and realize that they both don't like disrupting the other's lives. They also dont like to text the other first because they don't want to seem clingy or annoying.
They then get to bantering about how Raven is always busier than Skylar, but Raven disagrees. Which leads to Skylar mentioning that at least Raven does things that are considered physically active.
Skylar is very much not physically active. She doesn't play sports, work out, or even get out of her bed unless she needs food or water. But she also hates disapointing her friends. Which lead to Raven convinving her one day to finally work out. Raven mentions this time but Skylar insists that it doesn't count considering she has been almost sedentary for about 2 years now. But Raven insists that it does.
Then Raven agrees to help Skylar start working out again. Since Skylar really hates being a disapointment to the ones she loves, Raven has decided to remind Skylar to exercise and then Skylar will most definitely do it.
A few hours later, Raven and Skylar's other close friend texts them in their groupchat. Her name is Jess. She's the one I mentioned earlier. Jess is the crazy troublemaker that always seems as though she is on drugs. Jess too finds herself scrolling through videos throughout the day, like most people in her generation.
So, Jess texted the girls and said "RAVEN! SKYLAR!" and as usual Skylar said "What did you do this time Jess..." But to her surprise Jess didn't find herself in trouble like usual. Jess was laughing uncontrolably at a video she had found while scrolling. It was of someone in a sheet pretending to be a ghost and another person just in sheer panic and chaos. The person jumps out of bed screaming and runs to grab something and then charges at full force at the ghost person.
Jess was exploding from laughter and says that it would be them when we all hang out together one day. While Raven and Skylar are very unamused as it is a very popular video and they have seen it a million times.

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