

The Life of Myst chapter four
Day four of the cubs of Phara and Artimis

Day four the cubs are getting stronger day by day. Phara is very proud of each of them for how each her cubs are doing. Myst of course like her mother, and so is her younger brother, the other two cubs are so much thier father. But today Myst just wants to be under her mothers paws, but not strong enough for any of the cubs eyes to be open, but now they can hold their heads up so that is good progress from them. they now can go a little longer with drinking from thier mother, and each of them is getting a little belly and their fur has started to come in a bit more. Phara is a little worried as she and the cubs have not heard or seen Artimis since the night before. And Phara knows that if it takes any longer then at least two that something is wrong. But she has no time for worry she has to go over duties of the day for the pack, so she leave her cubs in the care of a elder and guard, and gets up from the now wet sticks and straw they found, and asks one of the teens to be rid of it while she is gone and to find something else that will keep her young ones from freezing or getting wet.

Myst lets a small "Aw" or what seems to be her finding her voice, though cubs make much of one she does cry and is carried by the back of her neck to another location in the den, and so are her three siblings, though her sister a bit more heavy set little thing is not liking someone picking her up by her neck yelps her voice but is brefly quited, and not at all happy, is carried by the gaurd to her new location along with her siblings as well. Phara glaces once to her cubs, and whispers to the elder "feed them and bath them and I shall return later this morning after i have finished my rounds. And only if they wish to be feed, but I do know that two of the younger cubs will need it. the elder nods, and Phara is off out the den's entance and walks down the round much traveled path from the other wolves coming in or going out of the den.

Back to the lone wolf...

The lone black wolf that had been traveling for few days now, is now hunting for food, and is get very thirsty. He needs to find some of both soon. He finds a large body of
lake water not yet frozzen over to his right and can smell rabbit close to his own location. This is a good sign. He walks through the very deep snow towards the large body of water first, he lowers his head and starts lapping the water with his pink tongue. Every keep his keen eyes on his surrounds, his nose can smell any danger that may scents any danger that may come his way. He knows if he doesn't it could mean he has to defind himself. After his quick drink, he lifts his head and scents the rabbits not far from him. He bounds kind of towards the scent of the rabbits, and crouches as low as he can into the deep snow. After what seems to be five minutes, a few rabbits come bouncing his way. He quickly goes after the one to his left, swiped it with his claws on his foot, and nips at it and takes it down quick, he then grabs at its neck and carries it over to a small hole in the bottom of a small tree big enough to put rabbits in but not big enough for him to crawl into. He then drop the rabbit and paws it into the hole, and then walks some more before taking down another one. the last rabbit was bit more quicker, so he would have to run now, so he gains speed and runs as fast, and steam from his nose is like that of a boiling pot of water on the stove. His heart rate is now increased from the chase, but he finally gets the last rabbit and walks over to the tree and slides the last rabbit in, now for something a little bigger, and that could last till morning. That could have to be a small sick moose or deer, but he couldn't find them and would have to settle for one rabbit for the night. Maybe gathering some berries or a small bird would have to do for the day, and he would have to find a safe place to sleep as well.

An hour or so goes by...

The lone wolf is very tired and needs to rest, but the only things he finds are not quite big enough for him to crawl into but he does find a old dried out stump that is just about his size and begins to clear what he is able of snow and paw out the three rabbits from the tree, and carries all three about a click away from the old tree stump he found. He paws the rabbits to the left of the stump as far back as able and crutches and crawls into the stump to the left and starts to lay down and eat as much as he able of one of the rabbits, after his small meal, he begins to try and stretch his paws, and body as far as he can and fastly falls asleep.

Back to Artimis

It is now mid day and he still is deeper in the forest with his small group, they have taking down a few birds, a hare, and gathered berries and now need to find water which the hear not far from where they are and walk carefully though the chest high snow and freezing rain. The freezing rain is now increased. It is getting hard to walk, run, bound, hop, on the forest ground, as it slippery, that that's not just for the group but for any small critter that lives close to the ground, though smaller birds are hiding in the trees or bushes, other are simply staying put inside other noticed out trees, or other vegation in the forest. Artemis doesn't mind the rain but with it freezing his head, nose and fur are starting to show signs of small ice bits forming, as stumps, snow glistens, little baby trees around the trunks on one side or the other are forming ice on them.

Phara and her small group have returned to the den, hungry but we'll, her cubs returned to her, as she picks each one and carries them deeper into the den, a fresh laying area was now ready for Phara and her cubs, and just beside now was a spot for Artimis when he returned. Another mother of the pack was also given Phara old spot with fresh dry leaves, bits of bark, and soft sand as she was to go into labour, and elders around her to make sure her cubs would be born safe. Phara filled her belly with fresh moose meat. While others inside the den had deer leftovers, or berries. Phara, Myst, and her three siblings, and they crawled to there mother's waiting milk. Once the cubs belly are full, Phara then lets them sleep as she herself curls up into a ball and falls to sleep on her neew bed. There is still no word, or sign of Artimis, but he should be back at least Phara had hoped that night.

The afternoon the group and artimis have found the Lone wolf but he is badly hurt, and how are they to bring him back to the camp and the den without something or some way to do so. With them begin wolves and not human this was going to be a task. So what to do? The small group does find a small wild horse not far from there location and ask her to bring the lone wolf on her back to thier den, and she does argee, but she asks the group not to attack or try and eat her for food, Artimis and the small group agree to her terms. She lays down low enough that by pushing him up onto her back with there paws and noses and begins to get up and carries the lone wolf and they are on their way home.

Dear readers I know that finding a wild horse in the forest sounds far fetched but I am making this up as I write. I am just starting to like to write and whatever is in my head at the time I write goes into what my writing. I hope you are enjoying this so far, and please like, and read, comment it will help me go futher with the story as I go as well. Till the next chapter I am going to start working on my character sheets so the next chapter will be maybe next week coming. So please be assured that I will get to the the story. So for now keep on reading.
© Ghostwriter Phoenix