

A Growing Fear
Chapter 3: A Growing Fear
The next morning, Kael awoke with a stiff neck and a lingering sense of unease. He went through his morning routine in a daze, trying to push the events of the previous night out of his mind. But as he prepared to leave for university, his eyes were drawn once again to the book on the side table.

Despite his better judgment, Kael found himself picking it up again. He flipped through the pages until he reached the next one with a Roman numeral. This time, it was a "2," engraved in gold at the top. The lines beneath it read: He smirked, looking towards Ben.

Kael frowned, the unease growing deeper. The book seemed to be recounting events, but who was Ben? And why did the words feel like they were meant for him? Shaking off the feeling, Kael put the book back on the table, deciding not to dwell on it.

During a break between classes, Kael found a quiet spot and pulled out the book again, unable to resist the pull it had on him.

He turned to the next page, marked with a golden "3." The text beneath it was chilling: He was with Ben when an ally died of his illness.

Kael’s heart skipped a beat. The words felt ominous, as if they were a warning. But he didn’t understand their meaning, and the more he thought about it, the more unsettled he became.

After his classes, Kael met up with his friend Conan at a nearby café. The two had been close for years, sharing a love for books and often discussing their latest reads over coffee. Today, though, Kael found it hard to focus on their usual banter. The book’s eerie predictions were still fresh in his mind, casting a shadow over their conversation.

Conan noticed Kael’s distraction. "You seem out of it today," he said, taking a sip of his coffee. "Something on your mind?"

Kael hesitated, unsure whether to share his fears about the book. It sounded ridiculous, even to him, but the weight of the unease was too heavy to ignore. "It’s just… I found this weird book," he began slowly. "It’s been giving me strange vibes, like it knows things it shouldn’t."

Conan raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

Kael explained the scenes he had read so far, how they seemed to mirror his own life in unsettling ways. As he spoke, he could see the skepticism in Conan’s eyes, but there was also a flicker of concern.

"Sounds like you’ve been reading too much horror fiction," Conan said, trying to lighten the mood. "But if it’s bothering you that much, maybe you should just get rid of it."

"I’ve thought about it," Kael admitted. "But… I don’t know. It feels like I need to understand it first."

Conan nodded thoughtfully. "Well, whatever you decide, just remember it’s only a book. It can’t actually hurt you."

Kael forced a smile, appreciating Conan’s attempt to comfort him, but deep down, the unease lingered. They spent the rest of the afternoon talking about other things, but Kael couldn’t shake the feeling that the book was somehow connected to something darker.
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