

I've always wonder but at the end of the day get answered. Always carried away, as if I am living in another planet established within my mind. Experiencing love in the space as if my heart can pump heart shaped bubbles. Butterflies that no one notices but I, but you say butterflies can only exist within two humans who are romantically involved right? But then again we live in a fantasy world where love is not only a fantasy but a story. Easy to start, difficult to maintain, yet not so easy to terminate. Love is such a beautiful thing but being loved is a different version of feeling that is out of this world. That I guarantee you, is another chapter of love.

Okay let me tell you a story of Shepherd and Mary, one couple who went through tremendous tribulations that some couples could not have survived but there they were growing from strength to strength. There was something about how they always hold hands, the firepower in her hand within her man was unearthly. Diamond glancing of him with forever her glowing eyes was sublime. You can fake love but you can never fake affection, that right there is passion. I am pretty sure many looked at him and say "Wow what a lucky man" he wasn't lucky but he created heaven on earth for his wife to look at him with so much adoration. They were not perfect, we are all not, but two imperfect hearts create perfection.

© HOPE.N❤️