

destruction has many faces
would it matter if I wiped my tears away with a tissue full of razor blades?or tell you I'm fine when all I really want to do is die would it help if I took your problems and put them with mine? or drown myself in pitty while you make me beg for more on my knees that are bloody from crawling on the floor not wanting anymore but what am I do to its all I know besides putting on these masks to hide what I'm really feeling. A couple of my masks are cracking my anger mask is cracking pieces are falling off now parts of me are exposed.My other mask is my favorite my pain mask is chipping falling apart the mask holds everything in builds it up until I can't take it anymore and everything gets unleashed and destroy everything that I ever loved or cared about even my self. why? because I have nothing left absolutely nothing so I let my tears come.My tears flood my cheeks like a river leaning my head against the wall wondering why I do this to myself and now I know I would rather destroy myself then have someone else destroy what I created. Now that is my beautiful disaster story.

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