

Stagnant life and upswing mind
Did you see the title?
It says, that my life is stuck with no excitement but my mind? my mind is full of ideas, about how to come out of the boredom.

Trying for new job?.. the job hunt could help me out easing the feeling of boredom.
Planning a trip?.. that's another thrill, right?
Meeting strangers and trying to date?.. fun fun! an exciting thing and yes, since i'm single, it could ease out my loneliness also.. lol
Finding a hobby?.. yes, I have money, I can surely spend it on learning something that I might not continue for a long haul but yes, it can kick me out if temporary boredom.
Volunteer? the best option of the lot.. who doesn't want to work for society, right??.it would also showcase that I have a good heart to the world. aww feeling.

The truth is these days, all we need to do is impress others.

Impress employers so that they can offer us jobs (money money).
Impress social media peeps when you show off your vacation reels on instagram.
Impress Parents and relatives, when you successfully find a guy who is committed to you and wants it for a lifetime (if the partnership is lovey dovey, Bonus!!)
Impress Friends when they see you pursuing a hobby (atleast now they are saved from hearing your long crib sessions)
Impress the whole world when you volunteer for social cause ( everyone loves a person who is a giver to the society.. Aww again!!)

But hear me out, all these things will somehow lead to a huge ego boost.. and may be that is a ultimate human goal?

I personally feel that is true to some extent.

People can have a different opinion on what I wrote above but who cares now?!?!

The reason behind this rant is the fear.

Self fear of feeling useless, not being able to act up to your potential.. suddenly, the world seems very busy and occupied but not you. :/

I want my everyday to give me a sense of productiveness.. A feeling that eventually leads to peace.. the feeling that makes you feel like you are just not wasting your life.

I don't know how to get that feeling?

I am too occupied with showing the world that I'm busy by acting cool but I know the truth.. it's all a facade.

Holiday trips, new job, more money, life partner, social volunteering, new hobbies... it won't fix my mind.

These things can fog the stagnant feeling for a while but it will pop up again. The next time, stronger.

© shivangi