


It was sunday morning,
When i  cast a brief look at the infinity. The weather from the east coast. The  voice that guide the wind  and the reason while they speak to mankind.
 It seemed so cold from the east.
Although, in the East, God is referred to as El which is far more powerful than physical pleasure.

I had prayed all night for signs thus wonders following the information that a renowned preacher would come see us all. As the evening approaches.
All hands were on desk, putting things together.
I was assigned a different task alongside with Graham whom countenance were so classified.
But at a distance of almost 200 kilometers,
 I could see a young lady coming towards my direction. A Scottish decended by discernment.
Which brightness was out of mother nature.
Here she is, Graham said;
The one we all  had been waiting for.
And on the other end, were few friends  sharing  compliment with some  colleagues they long had met.

It's not important what your heart hears. What is important is that you learn how to listen,
Graham said.
But, The answer you seek never come when the  mind is busy, they come when the mind is still.

We were still arguing when she approach us and quietly tapped me and said why do you have  dead soul  all around you.
Death what?
I fumed.
Yes you do.
Can you see that man over there with a coffin on his head?
He had  just few days on earth, although h's  a Christian but a lost soul.

How come you knew all these i said.
But, I saw thee  from afaroff and i told Graham.
Was there anything missing in my life that prompted me not knowing.

Yes she said,

Many years ago.

You once had a deep relationship with Chris but you lost it and a veil was placed.
  You once had a beautiful mansion and an angel who  watches over your affairs.

Wait! Wait!

You said what.

I once ,signifying a past experience.

Yes alex.

How come you knew my name?

For God has given us all we need to discern good from bad.

I will tell you a dream you once had again.

In that dream there was twelve gate that signified the twelve  tribe of judah.
Each gate had a beast with seven hong.
But one out of it was the way to life.
But you opted for the path that led to destruction.

And i saw you again.

 No more  i requested.

But wait...

To be continued...
© henralex1431