

The Bird & The Cage
18 Jun 2024 at 8:24 PM

The air hung heavy with unspoken words, a storm brewing in the silence between us.
Alvin, the guy who once promised forever, now stood before me, a stranger masked in familiar features.
He had played his game, a shallow charade of affection, and I, the fool, had fallen for the act.

“Is that all you have to say?” he asked, disbelief etched on his face.
He couldn't comprehend the chasm that now separated us, the wall built of his own actions.

“Alvin, what do you want?” I replied, my voice flat, emotionless.
He was a ghost in my life, a painful memory I'd rather erase.

“Seriously, what the fuck is your problem?”
His anger, a pathetic attempt to regain control, only fuelled my disdain.
He had become a caricature of the man I once believed him to be.

I rose from my chair, a lioness facing her prey. “You. Yes.”
The simple words, charged with icy venom, struck him like a physical blow.
He was no longer the hunter, but the hunted, trapped in the cage of his own arrogance.

Then, he moved.
A flash of primal instinct, a desperate grasp for power.
His hand clamped onto my arm, pulling me close, my body pressed against his.
His hot breath grazed my ear, a whispered threat laced with desire.
“I don’t know what the hell made you think you could poke me like that, but if you do it again, I’m going to kiss you until you can’t breathe.”

My anger, a molten torrent, erupted.
My hand lashed out, a stinging slap echoed in the silence.
He staggered back, his hand instinctively seeking the mark of my fury. His eyes, once glazed with arrogance, now flickered with shock.
“You’re going to regret this,” he spat, his voice dripping with wounded pride.

“Fuck you, Alvin. You brought this on yourself. Don’t you ever touch me with your dirty hands again, asshole,” I screamed, my voice raw with pain and defiance.
He, the bird who had once flown free, now caged in his own deceit, turned and walked away.
His back, a silhouette against the fading light, was a testament to his lost opportunity.

He had his freedom, but I had found my strength.
The bird had flown, but the cage, once a symbol of his captivity, now stood as a monument to my liberation.
A silent promise to myself, a pledge to never again be caught in the trap of his lies.
The pain, the betrayal, would fade, leaving only the echo of my strength, a testament to the woman I had become.
A woman who could not only survive a broken heart, but rise above the ashes, stronger, fiercer, and free.
© angela23