

This is the End
It was raining that time.

Thunder and lighting reigned all over the skies. The sunny clouds hid. The sun bade its' goodbye for it is the rain's turn.

I was walking through the sideways of the street. Afraid of what might happen. My heart is beating so fast , it is as if, it wanted to get of my chest.

That day was an unfortunate day. I lost my job. I lost my love. Peter. He found his on another girl.

"I love her, Flor. I am sorry. Bernadette is my life. I can't live without her."

That was Peter's statement . What he didn't know is he is also my life. My life is meaningless without him. Maybe that was the reason why I became so unproductive and so useless at work, my employer even kicked me out from my work.

There has not been a time when I felt so happy. My mother died when I was just 8 and my father followed. Life has been so cruel to me. Not until I met Peter. But, just like them. Peter left me too.

It thundered some more. The wind was so cold and so strong. It would be better if it will just swallow me and bring me to the deepest part of the Earth.

I saw something in the ground. Magnifent. Marvelous. Extraordinary.

It was a bible.

Almost saying that this was the end. The end of my sufferings for my new beggining is about to come.


Hello Everyone. I am new here. This is the first story that I have ever written in this platform. I want to
spread hope especially during this dark time. Wishing I was able to do so...

If you want me to write a part two, you can just comment down below.