

A Girl with expectations
Every human wishes to live a life with expectations and initially i didn't feel weird thinking of what i expect,but when days crumbled and i came to know that what ever I expected and longed for never happened.I thought every people expectations will be dropped just like mine but that was a biggest blund because everyone was happy just because their expectations visits them like a lottery ticket most of the time. My expectations were not as big as few wanted,mine is very simple like a simple Good Morning msg from my loved ones,happy love life with no gifts and cards,Cute cuddly birthday wishes on my bornday,a bit of celebration,parents with good mood who encourages me,understands me,and the most important things is i always wished to have a person who can hear my cry when I'm down and say "Every thing will be ok soon,I'm there for you and i love you,I'll be by your side no matter what."I dont expect money nor wallet from my loved ones just a comfy words and encouragement when i needed...Was that wrong in anyway?I expected a happy love life like other girls do,Just for the sake of love and care i fell in love with three guys.First when i was in school and second was in college and then doing my PG studies...there was a huge struggle between my heart and mind during every breakups...I thought i shouldn't fall for love again and again but i was drenched but honey coated and pampering words because i always wanted to be loved.My childhood was not as pretty as what people think around me.I started writing my personal diary when i was 10 years old.Just imagine what would have made that small child to pen out the heart breaks at that time.I'm still confused whether i should blame my family for this because i had a solitute life during childhood and days healed,parents loved me more even now but they wanted me act according to their mood.When i do some good art and show to them with happy face she will ignore saying don't waste your time.When i stopped doing they will say u r just waste worth for nothing wasting your time all the time...