

Planet X Chapter Two
When Eric and Emily entered the club, it was so loud, that Eric put his hands over his ears to drown out the noise. He wanted to leave right then, but, he stayed for Emily's sake.
"Isn't this great?! She shouted.
"Wonderful." Eric shouted back in sarcasm.
Eric, being shy, sat in a booth in the corner of the club. Looking depressed and staring off into the distance, sitting there alone. Emily, after dancing a while, went over to him.
"You okay?" He nodded.
"You look so gloomy. You're not having fun are you?" He shook his head.
"You wanna go home?" He nodded.
They had been there only a couple hours before they decided to leave. As they made it through the crowd, suddenly, someone punched Eric and he fell to the floor holding his nose.
"Charley! Stop it! What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"You belong to me not that fucker! Come on baby give daddy a kiss." He went to kiss her but she slapped him.
"Stop it you pig! First of all I belong to no one! Least of all you! And second I'm not with him in that way. He's a Cynnian! Now move out of my way!"
"Cynnian huh? Well their just as bad as the Mexicans!" He then kicked Eric in the stomach.
"Charley! Stop it! You're hurting him!"
"That's the idea." He replied kicking him again and again. She stopped him by standing in front of him.
"Stop it he's done nothing to you! You're drunk and need to go home! Come on Eric." She said, helping Eric to his feet and out the door.
When they were outside Eric leaned up against the building holding his bloody nose and his stomach.
"Are you alright?" Asked Emily, as she helped him walk.
"Yeah I'm fine." He replied.
"I'm so sorry Eric. I didn't know he was here."
"Its alright Emily. It's not your fault. Who is he anyway?"
"He's an old boyfriend who was abusive so I left him. Are you sure you're okay? Maybe you should go to the hospital." He shook his head.
"No. I just want to go home." With Emily's help he went to walk, but then, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach that brought him to the ground and moaning in agony.
"Oh my God Eric! I'm calling 911!" She dialed for an ambulance and waited. They arrived within minutes of the call. As he was taken by ambulance, Emily followed in her car.
© Elizabeth Harris