

Can't Know Where You're Headed.. Until You Know Where You Been!!-...
So... I would first like to start off by stating that this is NOT a story!.. Well, not a story in the traditional sense, or like any other one you might come across on this platform. For THIS one... and in this peticular piece... I will be simply sharing what I have seen,heard, and experienced- in an Open-disscussion-style-forum.. sharing my views and personal opinions along the way of course!- LOL
So... let's get to it!!- Oh, and if anything in this piece should offend anyone-- just pause for a minute...take a deep breath... and just get over it! Because the serious foundation and backbone of this discussion is based on the Journey of Seeking Truth- and I seriously suggest the reader, and EVERYONE else should constantly Seek Truth No Matter What It Is!- I would rather hear the worst Truth than the best lie!-Ask questions,watch videos, have discussions, read, do research etc. etc. and form your own opinion of the subject... and however it sounds.... hopefully it rings true and brings Light to the Whole of Darkness that Consumes Humanity and spreads negative energy throughout the Universe we have created for ourselves... Because if I know absolutely anything at all... it's the fact that there is some Next-Level-Shit going on in this world that is kept hidden and away from the whole of society. The conjourors of this dark, and sinister plot we are lost in have really outdone themselves. The Winners of Life and Writers of History are quick to take credit in front of the deaf and blind... while the mass-genocide of Free-thought and tough-action corrodes the positive energy within and spreads lies and misconceptions throughout the Universal Conciousness... and I am plagued with natural wonderment, and genuine curiosity... thus, introducing the beginning of my most recent expedition and cosmic journey to know the truth.
Are You still with Me?.... :)-
aha....good...now where was I? Oh ya, so one of my favorite things to do besides discover new music and new musicians... is watch a wide variety of educational videos on YouTube... Learning is also something I will continue to do and encourage everyone else to do until their last breath... among these videos, I have been borderline obsessed with the Anonymous channel, the Impossible channel, and Ancient Aliens...and it was these that opened my eyes... and WOKE me up!! I Highly Recommend any and all 3!!-
Thus, comes to my attention...the story of the Annunakki...(oh,and also... if my information and/or data is incorrect...please let me know)
So in the last 10 years or so, Archiologists have unearthed approximately 2,000 stone tablets with etched writing ,the language was Sumarian I believe, which is basically the oldest form of writing they have found on Earth so far...and the tablets basically give a detailed explanation and description of the Alien race that came to Earth and spliced their DNA with an early version of cromagndon man to make today's version of Homo-sapien-sapien... the human being of today. Now, in my opinion...if these stone tablets were translated correctly, this changes, in a huge way, the History Books, the Bible, what they teach in schools, and the origin of life on Earth.
The Bible says that we were made in the image of our creator... this is especially important and interesting now that what Humanity has pictured God to be...might just be an advanced Alien Race with technology far beyond ours. At this point....I would like to continue this story at a later date because I just got off work... for those of you who are taking the time to fallow along with me- I greatly appreciate your time and would like to hear any opinions you guys might have on this subject....
To Be Continued......

© CAThomas-