

Who are you?
Eun: Mumma I am hungry give me food
Mumma: Food is ready but first go and wash your hands
Eun: Okayyyy
Eun went in front of the washbasin and started singing "Dhote jao dhote jao dho dhote jao dhote jao
Note: Her lifebouy was faster than Banti's.
Eun: Okay mumma I am done washing my hands my stomach is begging me to feed it
Mumma: Ok here go for it
Eun: By the way mumma weren't you going to Sharma aunty's place?
Mumma: I went there before only
Eun: But when? Ok leave it right now I am too hungry to think about it
Eun completed her food and went to play *on mobile*
(Studying is not in her dictionary and she doesn't know outdoor playing)))
After sometime Eun's mom came and asked her
Mumma: I am sorry I forgot to cook. I will order something for you.
Eun: okayyy...........wait.......whattttttttttttttt
But I.... Mumma where were you?
Mumma: I told you I was in Sharma aunty's house
Eun: Then who was she?

© Eun🖤