

Iris [Twilight] - 27
"Let's teach her how to hunt," suggested Bella one morning, turning her gaze back to the breakfast nook where Iris was struggling to take a bite from her sandwich. Her once hearty appetite she had developed was going away.

Edward firmly disagreed, "She's not strong enough."

"Then what are we going to do?", Hissed his wife. "I can't watch how our only granddaughter is slowly withering by the day!"

Edward jumped from his seat, frustrated. He didn't have a solution either. In fact, no one had, not even Carlisle to everyone's surprise. Bella had been the only one to come up with the idea of Iris consuming blood, remembering her difficult pregnancy.

"I don't know! I don't know, okay?",  he exclaimed. He didn't have to be too loud to be heard by everyone in the house.

With Edward raising his voice, Iris couldn't help but be startled. She grew alert, pricking up her ears. Of course, they were talking about her. It was as if there wasn't anyone else to talk about.

The young girl didn't make the effort to pretend she wasn't listening to them. She wanted to make her presence known. She wanted them to know she was there and could hear everything she said. Her senses had enhanced through the years and no one knew if she had inherited this from her mother or her father.

Suddenly, Iris was facing all of the Cullens, who had rushed to the kitchen to see what was going on. Tired grey eyes had met pairs of anxious and perplexed golden ones.

"Iris...", murmured Rosalie, extending her arms to take the girl in them.

But her grand-niece wanted none of that, rushing to her room, instead, wanting to sink in a hole and hide from the world for as long as she could. She was sick and tired of feeling like she had to live on the edge, always waiting for a tragedy to strike so she would have to move yet again.

Again, Iris ended up in tears. And how could she not?

It was all her fault again.

It was always her fault.

#twilight #fanfiction