

Love, Break, Smile
I got caught up in my leave-stay matrix,
I dashed for the space between leave-stay.
Found my heart racing for this love; pure acrobatics.
Our zodiac signs didn't match, but love was the basis.
We stared at the clock while holding hands
Hoping our love would stopwatch .

I fell out of love, but with a one-sided scar.
Had to hide from the pain, so I got an avatar.
No bruises or sprain, but the heartbreak was visible.
I didn't talk much, but I wished my pain was audible.
Internal bleeding but no external tears.
I laid down quietly and said my prayers.

Next morning; shoulders high, heart suspended
Folks around me, but I felt deserted
Warm hugs, cold tears.
Big smile, loud cry

© 'Timi Babs

#love #heartbreak #sadness #Smile