

BLoG: A Day in the Life of DPomales
A Day in the Life...
of DPomalesCreative
Zoom Calls back to back...

Leveraging Time vs value... The conversations hinging on such questions... How Can I bring value to your business??!!... How can your business be of value to me???...
Time is so valuable. What do you charge when it's only your time thats being used/spent?

Forging my way through what's next in my career path... LooKing to offer more of a consulting based service in the many skill sets that I possess. Looking to reach a larger audience! As a speaker, I think I can achieve this goal much better. As a consultant I believe I can serve my clients better and in the midst of improving perhaps gaining a few more clients. One can only strive for such outcomes.

What is it you are in search of? What are you searching for to better your business and to inspire others through your thoughtful actions and crafted results. Are you new to the business world? What difficulties are you running into that's stopping you from achieving your wildest dreams and ambitions? Working for yourself is no easy feat! You must be many things and at times wearing more hats than you care to. Perhaps it's time to let someone else wear some of those hats, so you can focus on the real issues that are tying your hands, so to speak.

Being your own Boss is nothing simple. Being your own Leader is even harder as it takes more heart. Leading the charge you must be more aware of those around you and more aware of their strengths and abilities as well as your own. So as you go through your day keep in mind that there's nothing easy about running your own business. If it were simple, everyone would be doing it. Try not to be too difficult on yourself and realize failure is ok and part of the growing process. Should you need a pat on the back or some words of affirmation we are here to be of support. Please let us know how we can be of assistance.

This is us...day in and day out! We are always here to be of service and to offer support where it is needed mostly. We put our best foot forward, every step we take. We look to help you succeed and to help your business grow in 2023!

What a morning so far....😁😆😁

#business #business101 #career #creatingopportunities #consulting #leadership #valuecreation #timeisprecious #timeismoney

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