

The girl on the porch
Staggering she made her way down the staircase. She'd been broken. Lucy had been on the other end of the telephone line, listening to a conversation she'd never even dream about. She was a mere 24 year old. One with ambition. A religious woman. She walked closely with God and spent many nights on her knees. But now she wasn't so sure anymore...

Kent had been the love of her life. One from a completely parallel universe but they worked. Well, atleast she thought they did. They had been inlove since before time. Lucy had always told her bestie Samara that "Kent was always mine. We were destined to be together". And destiny turns out threw the scroll down a soggy hill and re wrote the whole chapter. Samara on the other hand was anti love if you could call it that. She was always somewhat dazed. In her own world. She was all about the buck. Money. A completely different person to Lucy. She always thought Lucy was setting herself up for due disaster. And sure enough lightning did strike this time. Twice!

Lucy came from a broken house. Her parents both divorced because her father had eyes for another beauty and her mom on the other hand was a drunk. A drunk who not only spent all the divorce settlement money on alcohol, but a drunk who always seemed to invite trouble and stir the whole neighborhood. One day Lucy had to rush away from school on hearing her mom peed in the neighbors yard. And poor old Mrs Langley just thought her mental illness was getting the better of her.

Lucy's father, Mr Macau had moved on to the states with his new Mrs. One who had quiet the figure and constantly used the word "Darling" every where she went. She was the ideal trophy wife. But she had also come with her own set of baggage. 4 Cats, a hamster and a chameleon from the Maldives. Pet Hotel. That's what Lucy said when referring to Her Dad's house.

Mrs Langley had no intentions of cleaning up her act up until Lucy's grades started dropping. Now all the stress from the divorce had eaten parts of her. She was an only child. One that banked on her family always being whole. But life doesn't always work out. She had to learn it the hard way.

And so before summer break, Lucy's Math teacher decided to help Lucy. Mr Chan was a fantastic teacher. He always took pride in teaching. He loved it. And it so happened to be Lucy's favorite subject. But now she was failing miserably.
And so Mr Chan came up with a plan to make it work. Tution every Saturday afternoon.

And so every saturday slowly turned to every weekend real fast. You see Mrs Langley had no interest in life itself up until Mr Chan showed up. There was a complete 360. Ofcourse, Lucy hated the fact that the school gossip was that her mother was paying in kind for extra tution but she had bigger problems to worry about. Like her boyfriend.

Why was he behaving weirdly last week?. Kent often went out with friends while Lucy stayed in but that meant extra study time for her. Why did he suddenly stop sending those cute texts? Was he seeing another girl... she wondered as she lay in bed late Thursday night. Downstairs she could hear Mr Chan roaring with laughs. Her mom apparently had this hidden sense of humor.

Lucy tossed till late that night. She sat and worried about the future and the fact that she was not going to continue with this life. So she decided to call her dad. Who else can she ask for help? And guess who answered the phone? No one. Yes. I know. Between meetings and the constant nagging of the new Mrs her dad didn't have time for her and so she decided to take a walk. Nothing more relaxing than a smooth walk along the park...

Lucy got on to the bus and headed to the park. She sat next to a pregnant lady who seemed so happy with life. The bus halted to the next stop and that's when Lucy heard fimilar giggles from in front of her... so she stood up and had a look and you wouldn't believe what the cat dragged this time. Kent and Samara. But where they going this late at night and why would her best friend be laughing with the love of her life?

© Sade' Ramnath