

CHAPTER 2 ( Jesus Christ Is Lucifer)
Now as much as Iam really enjoying this I know many of you might think I'm becoming a Satan lover lol no.
What I'm trying to do is get you to wake up and understand that your being lied to all the major religions today are lies upon lies, they have been changed and had many books removed from them.

Now keep in mind none of this happened all these are metafors and is not ment to be taken lightly,
these Bibles are just stories that were made up, and changed through the centuries for control purposes even the story of Jesus's second coming, he is not really coming back.
WE are the Second Coming of Christ, ushering in a new consciousness for humanity. We, as a collective, are here to bring about a spiritual awakening and elevate the consciousness of our world.


Anyway today I'm going to talk about how Jesus Christ and Lucifer are the same being.

Yes there is proof of this even in your bible.
In the mainstream churches ⛪ they want us to believe that Jesus and Lucifer are enimies but they are not.

To be straight forward they are actually one in the same arkon, which means they are the same character.

Now I know many of you who really believe in the bible and god and Jesus but if you would take the time to think about it and do research you'll see all the evidence and that evidence is right in your bibles and through these Gnostic books.

This book revels that it was JESUS IN THE GARDEN that caused Adam and Eve to eat from the forbidden tree not lucifer the devil.

ADAM tells his son Seth that he and Eve were origonaly one divine being and that the evil creator god of the bible fractured and trapped our souls of light into matter.
Earth, The Garden of Eden and these bodies are Matter.

3. The Gospel of Thomas
Which Jesus revels the we come from the Relm of living light and that we are the true son's of the real God and I'm not talking about the god of the bible either.

We will dive deep into the lesser-known books, the ones that were deemed to controversial, too revealing, too shocking to be included in the Bible, they are known as the Gnostic Text.
These forgotten scriptures reveal many, many truths that the church today doesn't want you to know.

Now even if you want to discount these Gnostic Text banned by the churches and go strictly by what the mainstream Bibles say,
You still have to explain why there's such a huge difference between the old testimet and the new testimet.

Now if you are ready and can cope,
stay with me while I take you on a journey that will blow your mind.

The Mainstream Church wants you to believe that Jesus and Lucifer are enemies, but what if they were actually the same being?
Not only does the bible itself contain evidence towards the concision, but there exist many Secrets of gospels and Christian books that corroborate this that were banned and destroyed by the church.

Why did the church destroy these So-called blasphemous and heretical books?
Because many of them secret truth claimed to contain the secret truth.

Could Jesus, the self-proclaimed the “LIGHT OF THE WORLD ” and “MORNING STAR ” be the same being as Lucifer whose name in Latin literally means “LIGHT BRINGER and MORNING STAR ”? And could they have the same mission, to set humanity free and ultimately overthrow God?

Now I was raised Anglican, which is a Western Christian tradition that has developed from the practices, liturgy, and identity of the Church of England following the English Reformation, in the context of the Protestant reformation in Europe.

Anglicanism, is one of the major branches of the 16th century Protestant Reformation and a form of Christianity that includes features of both Protestantism and Roman Catholicism.

I remember being taught that Lucifer was absolutely evil, and most people imagine Lucifer as a dark evil satanic being with horns,
but did you know the bible actually describes? Lucifer as have originated in heaven as a powerful angel of Light.

In EZEKIEL, Lucifer is described as powerful, beautiful and wise, but then, according to the bible, Lucifer became corrupt, and they led a Revolution in Heaven against god. But why? Why did Lucifer turn against god?

Understanding Lucifer's motivation for starting the war in heaven is key to understanding how Lucifer and Jesus are the same.

Before we unravel the mystery of this war in heaven, let's take a closer look at the connection between Jesus, Lucifer, and Light because this connection of light is critical.

Jesus himself claims to be The Light of The World twice, once in 《《JOHN 8:12》》 where he directly says: “I am the Light of the World” and again in 《《JOHN 9:5》》 when he says:  When I am in the world, I am the Light of the world”.

And in 《《REVOLATION 22:16》》 Jesus identifies himself as the morning star.
《《JOHN 9:5》》“I Jesus… am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star”.

JESUS is self-described as a BRINGER OF LIGHT to the world and the MORNING STAR and as I said earlier, LUCIFER is a LATIN NAME that means LIGHT BRINGER and MORNING STAR.

And in ISAIAH 14:12 a verse that many bible scullers believed describes Lucifer Identifies him as the MORNING STAR.

《《ISAIAH 14:12》》 “How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth…".

Now it's clear that both CHRIST and LUCIFER are LIGHT BRINGER and are IDENTIFIED as the MORNING STAR, but a closer look at
《《ISAIAH 14:12》》 reveals more critical information.

Notice that LUCIFER is also IDENTIFIED as THE SON OF DAWN! Originated from heaven, was then cast down to the earth. Both Christ and Lucifer are described as POWERFUL BEINGS RELATED TO LIGHT that originated in heaven before arriving to earth, and in mainstream Christianity, Jesus is betrayed as (THE SON OF GOD sent from heaven to earth to save humanity),

While Lucifer is betrayed as (THE SON of THE DAWN having fallen from heaven to earth after starting a revolution in heaven and attempting to overthrow god).

But could these 2 stories actually be intertwined?
Could they be the same?
What actually is Jesus trying to save humanity from?
To understand the connection, we have to look deeper at Lucifer's attempt to overthrow god.

According to the bible, specifically in EZEKIEL, Lucifer wanted to become god, When the revolution against god failed and Lucifer was cast to earth, something seemingly strange happened, Lucifer began to tell humanity that (they could become god) and this happened in the (GARDEN OF EDEN).

According to the Bible, the first humans, Adam and Eve, live in the garden where god has placed 2 important trees.
(THE TREE OF LIFE and THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE of good and evil). God told Adam he could eat from every tree except the tree of knowledge.

《《GENESIS 2:16》》 – And the Lord God commanded. Him,” “You may eat freely from every tree of the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge. Of good and evil; for on the day that you eat from It,

Now doesn't it seem a little strange that god would make knowledge forbidden,
that detail will be important in just a minute.

According to mainstream Christianity, Lucifer was in the garden of Eden and, in the form of a serpent, told Eve she could become like God.

《《GENESIS 3:1-5》》 The Serpent said to the woman, “Did God really say.” You must not eat from any tree in the garden?” The woman said to the Serpent, we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say. “You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and that you must not touch it, or you will die.” “You will not certainly die,' the serpent said to the woman, For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened; you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

Now, of course, they ate, and they didn't die, but could they become like god?
Let's look at this deeper.

The bible views Lucifer as a being who desires to be God and tells humanity that they can be like god,
The question is: Has Jesus ever done the same?

In 《《THE GOSPEL OF JOHN》》 it says:
“We are not stoning you for any good work; said the Jews, 'but for blasphemy because You, who are a man, declare Yourself to be God.” Jesus replied, “Is it not written in your Law: 'I have said You are Gods?”
— JOHN 10:33-34

That verse comes from the GOSPEL OF JOHN from the bible, but did you know there's a SECRET BOOK OF JOHN?

What I'm about to show you is absolutely incredible, THE SECRET BOOK OF JOHN is a book that clams to contain secret information. This secret information was so (blasphemous) that it was declared a (heresy) and banned by the church.

THE SECRET BOOK OF JOHN raveales that it was (Jesus in the garden) that caused Adam and Eve to eat from the forbidden tree of knowledge.

In THE SECRET GOSPEL OF JOHN, Jesus said: “As for the tree called The knowledge of Good and Evil” it is the (wisdom) of the light. They commanded him not to eat from it… However, I caused them to eat."

The Connection between Christ and Lucifer here is crystal clear, and you can see why this made the church so angry. But it's about to get even more intense.

Here we have another clear connection between Jesus and Lucifer as well with as light. But you might be wondering why would Jesus cause them to eat from the tree of knowledge and go against god's command?
That brings us to our next connection because, like Lucifer, JESUS WANTS TO OVERTHROW GOD. Now does that sound crazy?
well, get ready cause there's a mountain of evidence that says just that.

According to THE SECRET GOSPEL OF JOHN, GOD IS NOT THE TRUE GOD AT ALL. He's A LIAR – A DECEIVER, The true god is actually A PURE DIVINE MIND that exists in and emanates A REALM OF LIGHT called the PLAROMA and all things, all beings, all creation including us are pieces of a part of this DIVINE MIND.
The god of the bible, however, Is an EVIL BEING of KAYOS and DARKNESS a FALSE PRETENDER GOD, you might call him THE SHADOW OF LIGHT.

This EVIL GOD created a malformed realm of matter and trapped souls of light into bodies to enslave humanity.

You see, according to THE SECRET BOOK OF JOHN, we're all part of the DIVINE MIND and
the realm of PURE LIGHT, and that means the r WE ARE ALL DIVINE, We are the true god, but the evil god of the bible took pieces of the divine mind which is what we are and trapped us in physical bodies as prisons and caused us to forget our power and that So our true nature to limit our power and so that we would worship him.

This is all described in THE SECRET BOOK OF JOHN. It says: (The creator god's) demonic forces envied the man…
His understanding was far greater than that of those who had created him. And greater than that of the Chief Ruler himself…
When they realized that he shone with light… they took him and cast him down into the lowest depths of the material world.
They intended to make him anew. This time from Earth, water, fire, wind, which are Matter, Darkness, Desire, The Artificial spirits.

This all become a tomb, A new kind of Body. They Enchained him in forgetfulness, made him subject to dying."
And THE SECRET BOOK OF JOHN is far from the only book to raveale that THE GOD OF THE BIBLE is an EVIL BEING, there are many other secret books that the church banned that say exactly that.

In THE APOCALYPSE OF ADAM, Adam tells his son SETH that he and Eve were originally one divine being that the evil god fractured and trapped in matter.

THE APOCALYPSE OF ADAM – "And we resembled the great eternal angels, for we were higher than the god who had created us… Then God, the ruler of the eons and the powers, divided us in wrath….
and we served him in fear and slavery.”

The “EVIL GOD” caused Adam and Eve to forget their divine origin, and he knew that if they ate from the tree of knowledge THEY WOULD BEGIN TO REMEMBER WHAT THEY. TRULY ARE.
(This is why he made knowledge forbidden) and said that they would die if they ate from it.

But in the mainstream bible, the serpent or Lucifer tells them they won't die, that they will become like god.

Now in THE SECRET BOOK OF JOHN, Jesus Says that he is the one who causes them to eat so that they will wake up from “Sleeps of Death” and be filled with the wisdom of the divine light.

According to many of these banned books by the church, Jesus Christ isn't the son of the evil creator god, He's the “Son of the True God” meaning that he's one of the Emanations or forms of the True God as we all are, but we forgot our divine nature, He's a Messenger from the True God, the divine mind, the realm of pure light, you might even call him the son of light. And his mission is to help humanity come to self-knowledge that they are divine and escape the evil creator god.

Jesus is a light bringer/barror Sent to get humanity to realize that they are the true god and to end the rule of the evil creator god.

Now does that sound formilour, this Is extremely close to the bible's description of Lucifer, The Morning Star and Light Bringer, The Son of the Dawn or the son of Light, the desire to overthrow the god of the Bible and bring humanity the message that they could be like god if they ate from knowledge.

Could it be that Lucifer is actually be the good guy here? And the church just wants to betray anything and anyone that says you are God as evil so that they can maintain their power.

In another banned Gospel,
THE GOSPEL OF THOMAS, Jesus reveals we
come from the realm of living light and are the True Sons of god.

“Jesus said: If they ask you, “Where are You from?' Reply to them' We have come from the place where light is produced from itself. It came and revealed it in their image.'… 'When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it's you who are the sons of the living father…
        -The Gospel of Thomas.

Now, even if you want to discount the books banned by the church and go strictly by what's in the mainstream bible, you still have to explain why there is such a huge difference between the Old Testament god and Jesus Christ of the New Testament.


He is OBSESSED WITH DEATH and VIOLENCE, and remember all that comes from today's mainstream bible its self not the banned book, but Jesus is the complete opposite… Jesus preaches of Love and forgiveness. In fact, he directly contradicts what god said in the Old Testament.

(((MATTHEW 5:38-39)))
“You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But I If say to you… anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."

The difference between the God of the Old Testament and Jesus Christ is So drastic the exact opposite of each other that many early Christians and groups came to the conclusion that the god of the Old Testament was not the True God, many of them concluded he was out right evil like the Marcion Sethlan and Cainite. Christians and others like The Valentinians they believed that he was a lesser god.

There are so many Christian groups like, the Naassenes, Ophites, Marcosians, Severians, Marcellian, Adamites, Cerinthians, Carpocratians, stratiotici, Borborites, Bareliolae, Archontics, Simonians, Justinians, Colarbasians, Apelliacos, Marcionites, Cerdonians, Valeslans. And many more,

It wasn't until the church established Orthodox in Rome and many books were banned, destroyed and so-called Heretics arrested, that this view was all but destroyed stamped out eliminated.

In fact, in another Heretical gospel, ((THE GOSPEL OF JUDAS)), Jesus out right says that the 12 disciples worshiped an evil god that they have no idea who Jesus and will lead all their followers astray
The disciples said to him,

Master, why are you laughing at our prayer? He answered and said to them, I am not laughing at you. You're not doing this because you want to. But because through this, your God will be praised.' They said, 'Master, You are the son of our God!' Jesus said to them, 'How do you know me? Truly, I say to you, no generation of the people among you will know me."

The disciples tell Jesus about a vision that they've had where they see people sacrificing animals and children and committing murder. Jesus then tells them that their vision represents the evil things that they will do, the false god that they serve and the people that they'll lead astray.

Jesus said to them, 'You're the ones receiving the offering on the altar You've seen. That's the God you serve, and you're the twelve people you've Seen. And the animals you saw brought into to be sacrificed are the crowd you lead astray…."
--The Gospel of Judas

According to ((the Gospel of Judas)), Jesus is clarifying that the disciples have no idea who he truly is and that they Will lead the world astray, in other words. What will eventually become mainstream Christianity is wrong, became what will become mainstream Christianity relies heavily on the testimony of the disciples; they were absolutely mistaken about who god is and who Jesus really is, going so far as to get it completely backwards.

So who or what is the true god, and who was Jesus? Jesus takes Judas aside and reveals secret knowledge.

'Jesus said, come, and I'll teach you about the mysteries that no human will see because there exists a great and boundless realm whose horizons no angelic generation has ever seen, in which is a great invisible spirit, which no angelic eye has ever seen, no heart has ever comprehended,
And it's never been called by any name:”

And a Luminous cloud appeared there. And he (The Spirit) said, “Let an angel come into being to attend me,' And a great angel, the Self-Begotten, the God of the Light, emerged from the clouds. And he said, Let a luminous realm come into being, and it came into being. And that's how he created the rest of the realms of Light."
--The Gospel of Judas

Jesus is revealing to Judas that the true god is a Luminous divine mind and generated a realm of light.

Jesus the light of the world, self-proclaimed morning star, is not the son of the evil creator god but comes from the realm of divine Light, you might even call him the son of light.

Like Lucifer, the light bringer, title Son of the Dawn.

Looking at what the bible says, we dearly see the connection between Jesus and Lucifer in the form of light.


(Jesus Christ)
-- light of the World - The Morning Star
-- Light bringer  -- The Morning Star
-- Wants To Be God

-- God or Son of God
-- Humans Can Be Like God

-- Caused Eve To Eat From The Tree

-- HE Was The One Who Caused Eve To Eat From The Tree

-- Wants To Overthrow God
-- Wants to End The Creator God's Rule


-- JC. is The Son Of God/Light
-- L. Is Son Of The Dawn /Light

In fact, the fast majority of The Gospel of Thomas Is Jesus communicating to the reader that they are beings of Light, you can become god when they look within and realize their divinity.

Looking at all this evidence, what do you believe?

Do you believe that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are, in fact, the same being and that? Mainstream Christianity twisted their interpretation of Jesus and made Lucifer into a villain to make being like god seem evil? Or do you believe in the standard interpretation? Or do you believe something else entirely?

I'll tell you my potion, Lucifer and Christ their antitypes, their symbols, but they're the same archetype, in other words, Lucifer and Christ both represent the idea of someone with knowledge of what reality truly is, choosing to share that Knowledge with humanity, so humanity can become divine. It's the archetype of the illuminated. Liberator, someone who has truly achieved a higher consciousness that has devoted their lives. To liberating humanity through wisdom.

That is what Lucifer is, that is what Christ is. They are the same archetype, those that do that they are Lucifer and they are Christ. The message is “Don't worship God, become God”

And this, of course is the are complete opposite of how Christ Is depleted in mainstream Christianity, and much closer to how the betrayed Lucifer but to make it seem evil.