

Devil's Campground
James, Micheal, Mona, Veronica and Dahlia were all at the local campground, called Devil's Campground. As the crew was collecting wood for a big fire to roast hotdogs for dinner and smores for dessert they were all excited to finally be hanging out again as a crew after years apart. They all had met back in College, all of them being a tight knit group.

Micheal being so confident to be all by himself, Micheal mentioned about walking to the bathrooms.

“Watch out for the boogeyman” Veronica said, chuckling. Micheal looked at her and laughed, calling her a dumb ass. Oddly enough the campground didn't have many people camping there, there was one other couple besides them that was camping nearby. 

As it had started to get darker out, Micheal now finally reaching the bathrooms, he rushed in to use it. However, not knowing that it would be his last time breathing air. Someone had walked in behind him and grabbed Micheal from behind while he was at the urinal. The stranger grabbed his head and started to pound his skull into the urinal, his head cracking some. Micheal is now screaming in agony. The stranger grabs his machete and takes off Micheals head, spraying blood all over the walls and urinals. The stranger delicately places Micheals head in the urinal facing the door to greet someone when they...