

Home Of The Grim Past.
To dwell in past is like, bunking off to your schools.
The more you stay at home of your past, the much you miss the classes of present and burden of things to be done in accordance also weighs deeper.
Not withstanding, if you stayed back or attended these classes, you have to take up your exam in your future. But, only those who show their presence actively in their present with a tomorrow's contemplation will be crowned.
You are on no account long delayed , bestir yourself and forge ahead.
Have lessons from your past and give a fling in rectifying your mistakes in it. Build in new profile in the account of life.
You may be not at beforehand but, you are never too late to get what you have inclination for.
Dont forget your past but forgive yourself for the wrong moves taken and proceed further.
Learn from your mistakes and up skill others too.
A failure can guide better than anyone.
Be a lesson. Not a mistake as before, on its rectification.