

The last dragon pt.3
heres pt.3 of the last dragon.please support
and follow for more.

As we make it to the town i have cathie help me into a nearby alley,as she starts to tend to my wounds.as i grunt in small pain,she wraps a few makeshift bandeges on my arm.

cathie:Midnight next time please..becareful.

midnight: hehehe what can i say..i love the rush of danger.

she tightens the bandage even tighter with a glear,as she sighs then helps me up.with a smack to the arm she giggles abit as we head to the nearest inn.maybe with the coins we got we can get a room and a new gear but i still need more coins to get what i really want.

cathie:what yeah thinking about midnight.

Midnight: nothing just...nothing

cathie:..you are a very mysterious creature...(under her breath)and very handsome.

I looked at her and smiles abit,still feeling the pain in my arm,as i look up at the sky its already starting to be noon.as i think to my self maybe we should get a room first.

Midnight:so lets get a room first then figure out what to do next.

cathie nods in agreement as we enter the inn.

inn keep:Weeeeeeeelllllcoomeeee to the hottip inn,we got one room with two beds for 8 gold a night and we got room with one bed for 5 gold a night or two separate rooms for 5 a night which ever yall prefer.

cathie:we will take one room with one bed for 10 gold for two nights.

as im about to protest for separate rooms but cathie shot me a glare.

Midnight:yeah...for two nights.

Inn keep:and may i get name to put the room under.

cathie:Cath should be fine.

as the inn keep nod,as they takes up some stairs and leads us to a room down a dimmly lit hallway to are room,they hand us the key then tell us to ring for assistants.soon they head back to the counter.as we head into are room and sit on the bed to rest abit.

midnight:lets rest for today..tomorrow we can look for a job...even though were not with a guild we can still get some coin for public jobs...as of that imma head to sleep now...please dont cause any trouble here cathie.

as i lay down towards the wall,i could hear her giggle as i drift off to sleep.As i sleep,storms of dreams gather with in,first i dream of when i first hatched in a orphanage..when i first met a face of a kind old bishop...then the face of a child catkin...from there i deamt of torches and people banging on the door...asking about a dragon egg....if only i had knew...it was.me at the time...then maybe...they would still be live....smoke fills my dream and the smell of burnt bodys reminds me of my fate...soon i dreamt of running through the woods with my only friends left...there were four of us that escaped....the other two left in different directions...it was just me...and cathie...running....for ever running...

Cathie:Midnight...wake up..

as i feel a gentle hand shake me softly...i wake up to see cathie with a worried face.

cathie: your haveing that dream again...arnt you..

Midnight:....just i wished....i could saved everyone....

Cathie: we were just kids...and Father dak knew the risk...but he didnt want to abandon you...

Midnight: he should have..maybe they would be still alive...

Cathie:at least were alive...and perhapes...maybe the other two are as well....we will see them again..

Midnight: i hope you are right....even at that...im the last...

Cathie:last dragon...alive..maybe we could find others out there..

i look up at her,as she has a sadden face,i gently touch her cheek and give her a small nudge with my forehead.trying my best to cheer her up

Midnight:yeah your right...but for now we gotta get something to eat ...im starving

with a small chuckle she gets up and heads over to her back pack and pulls out two apples,soon she tosses one to me as i catch it and bite down into it savoring the sweet and sourness of the apple.

Cathie:free food is always tastey

with the sly smile of hers she keeps eating

Midnight:cathie no more stealing unless its necessary..

she shrugs it off and then finishes her apple,then she proceeds to lay on the bed with me.

Cathie:goodnight middy...see yeah in the morning

as she heads to sleep i can only look out the window and wonder will i ever see them again...soon i fall back to sleep.

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