

Few years back, I suffered great depression.
My Mother’s business went south and everything crashed. Her finance was badly affected and she lost it all. So much bills to pay and debts were just flying here and there. It was a terrible year for us, especially for me because I had to do so many things to keep my family together. I became so sad, angry and depressed.

I stopped doing so many things I used to do. I stopped taking care of myself, and hanging out with friends. I kept to myself all the time. I lost my beautiful smile. I went off from all social media platforms. My service to God suffered for it, even. I stopped functioning in my department in church. I was angry at God for making me go through such a terrible experience. I doubted his love for me. I started questioning his existence. It was really a rough time for me and my Mother.
Well, I got help. A friend came to my rescue. He helped me to be a better person and reminded me of how God loves me so much and wanted the best for me. I was able to bounce back and I regained my self esteem. We hung out often and through him, I was able to smile again. I became positive about life.
He helped me get another job which paid more than my previous job and I was able to assist my Mother financially, I got a new phone and my Mother business was restored.

The experience helped me to be better, wiser and stronger. Even though I am not where I want to be yet, I am not where I used to be.

Life is full of challenges but those challenges help us to become a better version of ourselves. They help us to make better and wise decisions. So when faced with one, all we have to do is to be hopeful, don’t give up, surround yourself with positive friends and continue to trust in God.

#riadstory #depressionawarness