

Celina and I
Chapter 1
Walking through the paths that marks the entrance to one of the pietic and morally sound schools in the Eastern part of Nigeria, I could hear the twitting sounds of colourful birds on palm trees even as my school grand daughter was making efforts to capture my audience with her sweet sensational story. Nneka, is one student who will stop at nothing to attain excellence. Although naturally a down to earth moralist, she was at this moment not sure of not employing any violent means to protect those she loves. "Do you know that evangel Seminary has some of the best brains in the world ?" She asked. Turning towards her, I could sense the suspense hidden in her cute little eyes that reminds me alot about the story of "Freya" the mythical godess of love and fertility in norse mythology. She had the face of a godess. I had barely completed my response when she pulled closer, held my hand and pointed towards an oncoming vehicle. A peep inside the car revealed Mr. Ezechukwu, the principal of our school. Quickly, we hurried towards the school gate to make an entry before his arrival. We made our way into one of the class rooms in the "titanic building" as it was fondly called by the boarding students. By this time, she could not hold her emotions any longer. "I use to think that anyone who has a dream can achieve it when they work towards it and pray" she said. "but now it feels like some dreams are far bigger than the abilities of the dreamer" she added. I got so curious and suggested we sit while I listen to her reasons. Although, I was more of an introvert, with her my thoughts were usually endless and to a great extent I could feel she was very fond of my company too. "Once I imagined my self seeking assylum in England and living next to the English royal family when the quest for self government by Biafra leads to another civil war" "but I do have doubts about the audacity and faith of the proponents of the BIAFRAN struggle" she added. Two weeks ago, she had debated against the topic "Nigeria let Biafra go" at the school's inter class debate competition. A debate that highlighted her as a students with much eloquence and oratory power. " you know I don't like politics, can we talk about something else?" I suggested. She was shrewed enough to guess the motive behind my ultrance. I was lost in thought staring at her cute suckulent lips and the manner at which she swayed her waist as she was emphasizing just like she had done two weeks earlier at the debate. She could sense the urge in me to hold her very close and plant a childish kiss on her cheeks. Smiling sheepishly with her arms wide open beckoning on me I dashed towards her like a hungry lion and managed a hug. "Let's talk about the BIAFRAN succession during lunch time" I mutterd in her ears. It was time for assembly and we needed to make hase as she was the Chapel Prefect of the school.
© Arch Dmd