

Stranger Things.
I woke up at about 2.10 a.m. in the morning. It was still the dead of the night when everything felt so quiet and eerie, including the strange dream that I was about to share with you.

I remembered this dream vividly. Let's just call this dream, the "My Parents' Biscuits", shall we?

Why that? This is because my parents used up all their remaining monies on buying lots of biscuits to survive. An assortment of them.

I'm not really sure what they're surviving from, but it may be another apocalypse that nobody knows about. Is there to be a Third World War when the Russian-Ukraine War goes south?

Or is there going to be another major and integrated terrorist attack when the current Iranian Revolution goes south? Maybe it's something less sinister but more "economical".

Maybe the price of goods and services were just too expensive. Especially when food security is increasingly becoming a global issue.

Nobody knows the future, except God. And I can only hazard a wild guess after extrapolating bits and pieces of current events that happen.

So, those that have more information than the others naturally tend to forecast better than the rest. And they prepare better for what is to come too.

This includes my parents. You see, my parents can be rather conservative and "sneaky" at times.

Take for instance their refusal to admit that they were no longer very much in love passionately with each other years ago. They've tried their very best to hide this from me and my brother, but failed to do so.

If this is the case, they may as well be two retired secret agents from another era who went undercover and got married with each other as their perfect "cover" when gaining enemies intel. Then not too long ago, I was born as a byproduct of their "union".

If this is the case, of course they'll not have feelings for each other, as matrimony is just a patriotic duty for them. In this case, they might know of some state secrets and dark histories that I didn't know about.

This may perhaps have prompted them to store up lots of biscuits for their secret hideout or underground bunkers (if any). In a way, they're "brilliant", but from another perspective, they can be rather "foolish" if my dream is actually true.

They're "brilliant" because they chose to invest all their remaining life savings on biscuits (as it's one of the cheapest foods out there) to be stored for future needs. But when they did that, they were being foolish also because life's just too short to be squandered away worrying about the future by  forfeiting the pleasures and enjoyments of the moment.

So, since this is all just a dream after all, I don't see why not we've a light moment in calling my parents "brilliantly foolish", right? Hahaha.

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