

Marice and Yeniva
I met her before the outbreak
We grew up together, she was related
to me somehow, but I never bothered
enought to find how exactly.
When the outbreak happened we both
ended up together running for our lives
as the dead kept coming back to life.

Since then, we both have gotten
really close and fell attraction onece
more. I was single but she was married
had a beautiful family. She lost everyone
and I was her only hope
We found a safe place after months
of hiding and wondering where to settle
But finally we had a place safe enought
to call home, high in a skyscrapper
In the middle of downtown Chicago
I still call it the Sear's Tower
It's a place where people find refuge
We make sure no one is infected
Before coming in, we only use the firs 10
floors for our safety, we use the 11th
floor for snyping the dead and kill them
before they reach out perimeters
every night and day
After a year living together Yeniva
was starting to show signs of love
again, she'll hold my hand and smile
each time I grabbed her face
She was beautiful and I loved her in
every way.
One day Yeniva and I went out
In search for weapons and ammunition
We knew the city well enought to avoid
being trapped or lost
It was then when I was bitten
while trying to save her. Yeniva didn't kill
me at that moment. Instead her tears
fell on my hand and I hugged her
I didn't turn to a zombie something
stopped the infection from spreading
I was immune to the virus

to be continued

© Mario.hp