

Reality is not in the past nor in the future, but it is here and now, it's in the present moment. Reality is actual, durable, fix, eternal, unchangeable, the cause of every visible thing, the space of all space, the space in the space, limitless, infinite, unmeasurable, absolutely powerful, undefined, infinitely unknown,the only absolute truth,the support of all life, the life of life, the life in life, the all of all... Such as, reality of all things is not in what we can see, touch, hear or sense, but it is back them. Cause whatever we can see, touch, hear, or Sense is temporary, uncertain, changeable, moving, limitable, measurable, knowable, unstable, non-durable, submitted to the causes and effects, etc... So then, the visible universe is merely the reflection, the apparence of what we can call reality but not reality itself. It is the effect of the cause called reality. Reality is the Spirit of the visible universe and then the visible universe is the mental creation of the Spirit in Reality.
The Spirit in reality is the only responsible of every existence and nothing can exist without a spirit.
Moreover, all material, all energies, all planets, all galaxies, every atom, every molecule, every living cell, all universes, are the manifestation of the spirit in reality Wich is supporting them in the background. It is provoking the perpetual mouvement within living things, establishing low and Principles for everything in the universe so that everything remains and follows the rythm of its evolution in perfect harmony. So, the Spirit is everywhere. It is in and behind everything. It is in TWO STATES OR DIMENSIONS: In the state of EQUILIBRIUM AND ACTIVITY. The state of equilibrium is THE DIMENSION OF UNIVERSALITY from which every individual thing RECEIVED ITS INDIVIDUALITY SO THAT TO EXPRESS AND EXPERIENCE THE UNIVERSALITY IN THE DIMENSION OF ACTIVITY IN WHICH EVERY INDIVIDUAL THING IS MOVING ON AND ACTING.
Therefore, everything is Spirit IN reality.

© M.Daniel