Two countries
Once upon a time, in a magical realm known as Astoria, there lived a young woman named Rithika. She was a bright and spirited girl with a love for adventure and the unknown. Rithika spent her days exploring the enchanted forests and mystical caves that surrounded her home, always searching for new wonders to discover.One day, while on an expedition deep into the heart of the Whispering Woods, Rithika stumbled upon a mysterious figure. It was a young man named Mithun, with eyes as dark as night and a smile that could light up the darkest corners of the realm. From the moment their eyes met, Rithika felt a connection unlike any she had ever experienced before.As they spent more time together, Rithika and Mithun grew closer and closer. They shared stories of their past, dreams of their future, and secrets that they had never told anyone else. Rithika found herself opening up to Mithun in a way she had never done with anyone else, and soon she began to...