

My life this year had been so tough. I had to go through many tragedies and circumstances that I can't understand. It seems that the world is tearing me apart. So many questions in my head left unanswered. So many problems that has no solution.

Is this fair enough? At my young age I already faced so many challenges. Relatives won't help in times that you have nothing to give, broken family, being alone, facing responsibilies on my own, no support from anyone, loneliness to deal with all alone.

Are those not enough? Why me? Do I deserve everything? My childhood never gave me the chance to live just like other children did! They're playing, I'm working, they have so much food on their plate, I have to work to eat, they study, I have to look for a job to grant my dream of going to school, they have a new things, while me? Struggling just to have what I need. There's no way I can afford anything I want, it's, what I only need that matters and I have to work hard just to get those, without the help of anyone,even my family.

I grew up that the world is so painful as it is. When I fight, I'll fail, when I stand, I'll stumble down, when I inspire others, they took it for granted, when I help others, I'm not good enough. Do I owe something from the world? Why is it that they're making me pay with something I didn't owe in the first place???

I'm so stress right now! I'm so depress and have no one to turn to! I have nowhere to run and I don't know how to escape! I'm broke and it's never that easy to heal and rebuild! :'(

I just now hope that God will help me overcome these pain... :'(
© Eamnevuj23