

Eniva performs a miracle PART 3
Eniva confessed that the bag with the Bible is hers,everyone was really surprised and looked at Eniva like a dead puppy.
'she must die,for disobeying the law of the king'said the servant of the king.

'Eniva's Mom was already thrown outside the church by the priests and some church members.
she went home in a hurry to tell everything to her husband about what happened to Eniva.

Eniva was thrown into the herd of Lions,'we shall see if your God will truly save you'said the King.
they closed her inside.

Eniva's mom spend the whole night praying for her daughter,'You think she will survive? she's already dead at this time,eaten by the lions'said Eniva's step father,but her mom did not loose hope and never stopped praying.

the next morning,everyone in the village went to church and Eniva's family to collect Eniva's left overs...
but behold Eniva was found unharmed and alive...
The king and his servants was really shocked.

The King realised that Eniva was telling the truth about her God and everyone in the village started serving God of Eniva, and she was made the princess of the village...

hope you enjoyed my story
Love you all.😍

© 🌹 Mabiletji