


I have been living alone ever since I turned 18. Well not totally alone; I had Penny with me. She's a Golden retriever who I loved so much. My life changed drastically from that point on. My house was based on the plains close to the mountains, with a tulip field that always took my breath away every morning, a river that was always flowing and a close view of the huge mountains that were on each side of the river. And each sunset? Breathtakingly beautiful. It was paradise to me. It was home. My days were filled with beautiful sunsets, rainy days and windy ones too. Mostly normal. But that fateful day was far from being normal.

It rained heavily from morning till late afternoon so I went into town in the evening to get some groceries and dog food with Penny. My solar panel didn't get enough sunlight so I had to buy some fuel for the generator too. The sky was dark when we came back and Penny was whining to show she was hungry. I mixed her food, carried it outside and Penny pounced on it hungrily.

The wind blew a bit fiercely making an eerie noise. The grasses rustled, the air smelled like rain and I loved it. I had just finished preparing dinner of spaghetti and sauce when I heard tapping on the window. I froze and listened. The tapping had stopped. I knew there were no trees around and Penny would always use the pet door when she was done eating.

'She should have finished eating by now' I thought.

Then I heard a faint whimper. Penny! Panicking, I ran to the door, threw it open and what I saw made me gasp loudly. She was lying in front of the door, unconscious. There was a dart on her neck and a note was attached to it:





I looked around and saw a dark figure holding a shotgun on one side and a long machete on the other. Then the figure then raised the machete, waved it at me and started walking towards the door.


Trying not to panic, I bent down and carried Penny into the house, shutting the door once I got in. I ran to my closet and got out my revolver just as I heard a loud thud. He was trying to kick the door down. My heart pounded against my chest as I loaded a single bullet into the gun.

Why didn't they learn? Why couldn't they let me be?

I stood up, hid the revolver behind my back and walked slowly till I stood in front of the door, just as he broke it down with a final kick. He fixed his eyes on my face and took in my scared expression, and smiled wickedly like he had come upon a trapped prey. There was no where for me to run.

"This will be too easy. You shouldn't have stayed on your own, pretty girl.

"Don't worry, it'll be over soon. The pain will temporary, I promise." He said, his grin widening.

He started moving towards me then his steps faltered when he saw my expression. I was smirking.

"What's so funny,b***h?"

I took a deep breath and said two words.

"Don't move."

He started to laugh but the laughter was caught in his throat when he discovered that he couldn't move. His expression changed from confusion to fear.

"Tsk tsk. Overconfidence can lead to a man's downfall,don't you agree?"

He stared back at me wide eyed.

I brought out the revolver from behind me and stretched it out to him.

"Take it."

He tried to resist but obviously he couldn't. The machete dropped from his hand and he took the gun.

"Aim at your head." I said softly.

He was crying now, the tears falling in rivulets as he raised the gun to his head.

"You know,I would have just tortured you. Make you scream in pain, make you hurt yourself in ways you've never imagined. But you made two fatal mistakes.

"You underestimated me and you hurt Penny."

"Please, spa..."


The explosion rang out deep into the mountains, the blood splattering on the floor.



. I carried the body outside and buried it along with the others.

More would come..

And I'd be waiting.

© Journey Girl

#superpowers #fantasy #thriller
@Writco @Write3354