

The Silent Whisper -4
Everyone came forward. Now we formed a group around Aahina and Aman. Suddenly a drop of blood on the floor gained my attention. I am confused but still trying to figure out the source. Oh there’s some blood on Aaniha’s hand too. Why is her hand bleeding? No. wait. It’s coming down from her cheeks. But she is still sitting very quietly. Not even wincing. Hinaa is trying to look where Aaniha is injured. She held all of Aaniha’s hair in ponytail and said- ewwwww ...
Both of Aaniha’s ears are bleeding. I am still not able to comprehend what had just happened. Maya rushed out to call teachers. I am still holding that ear-machine. But now with disgust and wobbly hands. If teachers will see this earpiece in my hand then they will surely think that I am the one responsible for this.
I threw, both the earpiece out of the window. Mrs. Dabodia came. She looked at Aaniha, then she looked at all of us, then she looked at me. She took Aaniha and rushed in the direction of medical room.
All of us looked at each other. Even though they are still my friends, I can sense disgust in their stare. Well I was not the one who gave the dare. I was just completing it. It’s all Rashmi’s fault. She was the one who gave me this gruesome dare. She is the one responsible for this. ...