

A Coversation With God
I was on my knees and one night this person in a white robe showed up and he sit down in my chair beside the bed. I sit at his feet and he stared at me for sometime, and I stared at him not saying a word, and then this is what He said.

God:. Do you not know that I am strength?

Me:. God I am so tired and Satan has really pound me.

God:. I allowed Him too.

Me:. You allowed Satan to pound me?

God:. If Satan never pounded you, then you can't be anointed. Anointing comes through a breaking, and through a pressing down.

Me:. God I almost gave up and thrown in the towel and quit

God:. Yes I know and I am glad because your can't rely on you, but you must rely on me. I could not fight the enemy in my flesh without qouting the word.

Me: Bowing my head in front of God I need your strength.

God:. No you need my arms, and He hugs me tight and says I know these trials are tough but I'm trying to get you to understand rely on my words.