

She's Behind You...

© All Rights Reserved

Dedication to writco and it's amazing users.

Chapter 1:: The Suicide.

Christ Middle School, England.

Alley's feet were cold and numb due to the continuous deep snow. She watched the chimney flames bring up warmth to her face; dark eyes, blund long hair, thick rusty skin, no chest to speak of and slight freckles on her cheeks. The flames sparked up right before the door flew out, a mirage of young female teenagers marched in around Alley. Her face turned unbecoming red because she knew what terror had come for her now. "Isn't it the one and only Alley," the tallest of the girls said ironically, she was not just tall but has a thick short hair in colour of chestnut, refugee skinny and thin legs.
Since elementary school, Alley has been frequently bullied by these particular group of girls but she was quite too weak and weird to stand for herself.
"What do you want now?" Alley asked, her voice like an iron scratching the wall. She never made eye contact with them but continued anyway, "I haven't done anything wrong..."
"oh yes you have, Alley Wilogbhour!" Mayth, the tall girl replied.
"what?" Alley's eye's darts to hers immediately.
"you forgot to do my laundry this morning! And you gonna pay weirdo"
"I was not born to be your slave," immediately, the girls grasped in great silence. "And who do you think you are to reply that way–"
"–i am Alley"
A brief sign of rage rode across Mayth's face, "I get it... you are growing some wings aren't you?"
"I have an appointment with the school nurse, please excuse me," Her head was bowed to the floor right before Mayth stopped her from moving and swinged her around to face her, "I know the stupid damn secret you're hiding from everyone,"
Alley grasped silently, "what is it?" her voice was pitched.
"that you are left with not more than few months or years to die..." they flinched, "and that's because you are technically left with one kidney that ain't funtioning well."
Alley catches her eyes immediately just as tears began to rolled down her cheeks slowly.
"oh don't cry little baby, we know it's funny isn't it girls," they bursts into great laughter ,"but we would not to kill you before your death, let's give you few more years to work for me!"
The laughter grew harder right when Alley held her right palm into the air, shushing everyone.
"I might have just years to live, or months to live or maybe I'll just make it days and by then, I will never forget you guys, never." Alley marched out of the room with her faced to the floor.
Right then, silence took on a peculiar quality in the room.
"what does she mean?" one of the girls whispered.
"Relax guys, it's just a freaking joke, she can't do anything. Chill"

Alley slowly moved through the hallways where the kids stared at her. Suddenly, someone screamed from behind, "hey! One kidney girl, wanna have some fun before you die in days?!" Laughter took over, every kid in the hallway couldn't avoid it. She felt a fist in her gut and was pale as ever, just as she ran off.

Just the next morning, the door to the dorms bursts open even earlier than normal, the school authorities order them up.
"Everyone up now! Downstairs we go!!"
They lined up in order, marching downstairs as they headed outside. Outside; was still a bit dark but visibly clear from the surrounding lights.
"what's going up," a girl whispered, immediately, the girl next to her quietly nugged her to stay silent.
Out of the blue, a girl scream, staring at the window to fifth floor only to find Alley whose throat has been slaughtered with a rope. "It's Alley" someone yelled at nd then became a scream war, everyone was filled with fear... " why would she kill herself," they yelled.
"Quiet!" The principal yelled, "we just lost a member, not knowing why but we say may her soul rest in peace."
Or may her soul back for them...!