

Respect the Rhymes
I write rhymes with disturbing depressive lines to find a peace of mind that's lost between the time I got broke from people I gave my spine,
And rehearse the verse in reverse to back spin a curse,
That comes back with me after I clime inside my mind it's a nightmare,
with Freddie right here,
at the gates to the road throught my mind to the soul from my eyes,
I'm not fine,
but I punch I scream the lines in the world I made with the thoughts that don't stop!!!
It came with a price that I can't pay,
So it takes what I own like when you lost your house you get what I'm trying to say,
It's a torture chamber in my brain when the words floating around in my head wants to play,
Like chucky before I get slay...
Fucked up ain't it,
But still beautiful art I painted,
With only words and that connects you throught music. Respect the raps.