

The Oracle pt.3
The sound of her stepmother's sharp tone, jolted Drae back from her vision stupor, "yes! I'm present!" She felt a moment of disorientation as her sight transitioned to a table of varying concernd faces. "Apparently not, darling, you've been yammering about eating bodies, or something, for the past two minutes."
Drae hesitated before meeting her stepmother's gaze, she knew exactly what she would find there. She lifted her eyes to Minnie's face and found an expression of antonished, embarrassment. And underneath that, seething rage. It was a look Drae was used to receiving, yet it cut deep everytime she saw it.
"What in Hades-fuck are you talking about!? Can't you control your "little visions" any better than that?"
The honey dipped contempt that coated Minnie's every word made Drae want to cringe. Her feelings of resentment and repression, usually locked deep down, bubbled through her like lava in her veins. Drae lowered her eyes back to the table, unable to stand the scrunity in her stepmother's eyes.
"I'm sorry, Minnie, I-" Drae offered meekly, but Minnie cut her off with a dismissive wave of her freshly manicured hand.
"Don't be sorry, stupid girl, be mindful. Learn to open those pearly eyes, and shut the fuck up." Drae didn't bother to argue, she could feel Minnie gearing up to a completely narcistissic, overdramtic rant."My, gods, child! It's been difficult enough finding you a suitable mate, how to you expect any of the denizens to love you if you rave like a fucking lunatic!"

To be continued... thanks for reading!

© LaKeisha Hart

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