

The use of the internet has tremendously increased during the lockdown. Yahoo India has released the most trending searches online during lockdown. People are searching for things ranging from information about the corona virus to new movie releases or new web series on the Internet. In such a situation, Yahoo India has released a list of what people are searching on the internet within the last one month. A list of most searched topics have been prepared by Yahoo on the basis of the keywords searched and read on its platform.

Work from home during the lockdown is seen everywhere – we can observe this trend in IT companies or private firms or even the government departments. In such a situation, users have to do video conferencing from home. For this reason, video calling softwares were searched extensively.Skype, Google Hangouts, Line, Viber, and Facebook Video chat, GoToMeeting, Microsoft Teams etc are used on a large scale during this lockdown time.

During the lockdown, people searched the most information related to the Novel Corona virus on the Internet. The corona virus related search percentage increased to an amazing figure of 427 %.The top 5 keywords associated with Kovid-19 included Covid-19 updates, Covid-19 death toll Symptoms of Covid-19, Live Covid-19 tracker and Covid-19 treatment Other top search keywords associated with corona virus are Social distancing, lockdown in India, Hydroxychloroquine for corona virus ,vaccine for corona virus.

Yahoo said that users are very keen to gather as much information as possible about the corona virus. They are searching a lot of questions on the Internet. The most searched question is – What is Covid-19? Apart from this, these questions have also been thoroughly searched:

-How to make a mask at home?

– Is there a corona virus vaccine?

– How long does the corona virus stay on the mobile screens?

-Does temperature have any role in growth rate of corona virus?

Very Interesting Facts
Indian singer Kanika Kapoor picked up the top spot in the list of most searched Indian celebrity during the lockdown after she was booked by the UP police for her gross negligence.Priyanka Chopra slipped to number two position during this lockdown.

Dalgona coffee is also highly searched all over the India in the category of Top Receipe Searches during the lockdown time. Amitabh Bachhan followed by Rajnikant in the post lockdown . Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar are on number three and four respectively in this post lockdown.

During this lockdown duration, yahoo has also revealed that political issues also made their presence felt. Mr. Narendra Modi is the only Indian that was on the list of 19 twitter handles followed by White House. This is something which has definitely thrown light on why India is necessary for America in taking strategic decisions. The other is a very controversial issue that is most searched and it is the question whether “Corona virus has been developed in China and transmitted by China to the whole world.Mr Donald Trumph has termed this virus as “Chinese Virus”.

It would be really impossible to figure out when can this lockdown end but one thing is for sure – the pattern of thinking of the common people on the internet has significantly changed during this lockdown.