

It's the fifth time he heard his mom calling him. This time the intensity in her tone made it obvious that she started to rage.
"Phillip." The sound appeared closer as he heard the foot steps stomped in his room. His grimace was invited by her sigh when he turned around.
"What are you doing there standing on that little stool like that?" Came the question from her sharply.
He slowly jumped from the little stool which he used to reach the windowpane and look out at the insanely calm neighborhood.
"Why the streets are empty? Why aren't we going any where? Why dad quit his work? Does Jessy quit her college too? Why aren't you taking me to the park? Where are everyone on the street? Why isn't Nicky coming to play with me? Why our neighbors aren't meeting us? Are we banished or something? Did our school got flooded?"
So many questions in a five years little head. His dazzling blue eyes shone brightly when he asked all this questions hoping that he would get an answer. But something with his face tells his mom that he was so moody. His mom took his little hand in hers. "Do you want to hear a story, Phillip?"
The innocent boyish grin invaded his face when he nodded his head and followed her out of the room into the dining hall. His mom started to feed him with bread when she began the story.
"There's an invisible monster invaded our country probably the entire world."
His eyes popped out as he enthusiastically digested both the food and her words.
"The monster enter into the...