

It is us against the world
Growing up I was a target
Speaking the right way, standing the right way, holding your wrist the right way
Everyday is a test
And there were thousand ways to fail
A thousand ways to betray yourself,not to live up to someone else's standard of what is acceptable,of what was normal.

And when you fail the test
Which was guaranteed,there is a price to pay
Emotionally, psychologically, physically
Everyday I grew up,in what I will call
Survival mode
When you're in survival mode,your focus is on
Getting through the day in one piece
And when you're in that mode at 6,at 10,at 15
There isn't a lot of space for words like
"Community,for words like "us" and "we".

There is only space for "I" and "me"
Infact words like "us" and "we" not only sounded foreign
To me at 5,at 10,at 15,they sounded like a lie
Because if "us" and "we" really existed,if there was really someone out there watching, listening and caring
Then most of us will have been rescue by now.

"I" and "me" can be a lonely place and it will only get you so far
Let me be to someone else what no one was to me
Let me send a message to that kid, maybe in Africa,maybe some place overseas, maybe somewhere,deep inside
A kid who's being targeted and treated badly
At home or at school or in the streets
That someone is watching, listening and caring
That there is an "us" and that there is a "we"
And that kid,or teenager,or adult is loved
And they are not alone.