

She Smiled with Quiet Determination (Prompt)
(((Writing Prompt)))

She smiled with quiet determination in the midst of others her mind was on...

She smiled with quiet determination. The journey was tough but so was she. They say "Love" is the strongest drug of them all. She finally knew what that meant. She had been through so much over the last few years she felt as though she was a different person. And she was. Her mind being on this new journey she was on without him. Now that she wasn't around all the toxic what would she make of herself. She had been through so much and survived, she knew she was strong. Blinded by Love even she made many mistakes so many so often that she forgot who was the most important person was...HER. Awoke is what we can call her now. She would sit up and think about ALL she had done, accepted and tolerated. Her thoughts keeping her awake at night.

However, In the morning is when she even knew things would be different. Different was her new mindset. People knew of her past. Folks knew that she battled with emotions from her past.

More than Them .This time she would remember HER smiling with quiet determination.

Written by 3/8/23
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