

Life,the gift
I know because I have been there,years,decades pass and you are still entrapped in struggles,it can get worse with years,you lose hope,you doubt if god was cruel, you question why this difficulty after already having gone through a lot,there will be no answers, but don't expect anything in return,just do what you do,nishkam karma as the Gita says, just hang on,no reasons,no explanations,no expectations,life does get better,and to some people in investments, a small good news to relieve you, later a better one,and if something is really written,the maktub,may be a bigger glory,who knows,but always believe universe is rewarding and that god is kind,say good things,think positive,radiate goodness,don't spread hatred,be a good person,endure,be patient,life is a gift,my friend,it gets hard at times but never worth quitting,many people's stories out there and whatever they have to say,just believe,it all gets better and there is a bend at the end of the road,hang on........
© pavana