

What It Takes To Be An Adult
Many times over, when you were young, you’d probably been told how being young means you still don’t know a thing about life. These people, with knowing looks on their faces, will tell you, over and over again how clueless you are about it, that it isn’t as easy as what you think it is, that indeed, you’re still young, how you’ve got plenty of time to figure it out. And sometimes you’d get mad at them, why are they treating you like a child? Don’t they always tell you this? That it’s okay, you’re still young just charge it to experience. That it’s okay, that is just a part of growing up.That there’s so much you have to know. That someday will come and you’ll know what to do. You’ll be what you wanted to be. You’ll do what you wanted to do and you’ll be who you wanted to be. Remember how older people would ask a kid what do they want to be when they grow up heck even your English teacher asked, obliged you to write an essay about that. And if my hunch was right, you probably hated every second writing it. But you still did it, you write about it, you told them about it no matter how silly, stupid, how impossible it could be. You told them you wanted to be a rocket scientist that day, then a veterinarian the next day. An interior designer the next month, a doctor the next year. Or to be a writer someday, though you sucked at writing, still you want to be. Write a book someday. Of what? To hell with it, it's just a dream right? So you dreamt of being like them, the ones who already figured it out, what is life and its meaning. Them, who’d already been what they wanted to be, them who’d become who they wanted to be. You wanted time to go faster so you will be like them, grownups. An adult. Someday you'll know everything and you couldn't wait for that day to come. That, is probably, one of the biggest scams you’ve ever encountered in this lifetime. Yes. You've been lied to. Because plenty of times, you’ve met a lot of these people, them who’d call themselves “adults” but never acted like one. These immature adults who act like they know what they’re doing, these people who would often advise you things you should do but never really apply it to themselves. The ones who use "adult" as a getaway card do whatever they want to do, even if it isn't the right thing. And sadly they'd reason it out like this: Why not, I'm an adult. I can do whatever I want. And then you’d meet ones who never seemed to be happy about their lives. The ones who probably don’t want to be who, what and where they are right now. Some you've seen, those who sit behind their chair in those boring offices all day, cranky, and you never get to see them smile. Oftentimes you’d get mad at them, how is it that they’re unfriendly, somewhat rude, and they never seem to be happy about life. That time, you wouldn’t probably know, there’s a lot been going on. Maybe someone cheated on them. Maybe her husband has another woman. Maybe she was thinking how she would be able to pay those bills piling up and never seem to be ending. Or maybe that’s just her attitude. But you wouldn’t know that because you’ve never experienced it yet and so you promised yourself, you’ll never be like them. And today as you listen to your boss ranting over and over again you’re probably on the verge of exploding. And somehow you lost it and all of a sudden you were in the middle of this heated conversation that never in your wildest dream you’d see yourself say things like that. When emotions run high, you’d probably say things you’d regret after. But then, I guess, that’s the most real thing you could ever say. Something you keep deep within you, just wanting to be let out. Or maybe you just wanted to rant. And these customers you deal with right now who never seemed to learn to their mothers how not to be too entitled. You were not raised to be rude, your mother taught you well but then sometimes, sometimes people lost it... and before you know it, you just, fucking lost it. Or maybe sometimes you just wanted to be like them, rude. Adults, they don’t know it better, not all the time. Sometimes they’re still like you, confused, who still don’t know what they want. Sometimes they’re still like you, unsure of what to do next, one who stumbles, one who falls. Sometimes they’re still like you, who weep and cry when things go wrong. They’re like you, who still dream a lot of things but unlike you, they’re already tired. Some of them even already have given up. Here’s a thing about life. Sometimes it tires you out. When people made their bed they have to lie on it. But they’re just human, sometimes they just want to run and leave everything behind. But it isn’t just them anymore. It isn’t just about dreaming anymore.There are things to consider. And maybe that's the difference. Sometimes it’s just about surviving. Of how to get through another day. And just like you, young ones, they too, still don't know everything.
Adulthood didn't turn out that way though. Sometimes it made you do things you don't like. Even though your heart is not really into it, you still do it. Why? It could be a lot of things. You have things to consider. And people, too. Because when you're older it's just not you that you have to think about. Growing up sure is not fun in ways you've imagined when you're younger, right? Like how you said when I grow up, I'll do this, I'll be like that. Well, in all truthfulness, you could be. But sometimes things get out of hand and you find yourself choosing. Sometimes between you and the people you care about. Sometimes between your wants and needs. And sometimes between your dreams and reality. Choosing I believe is the first step of growing up. Sounds lovely? You tell me. No wonder this world is full of unhappy faces and cranky old ones. So the next time you tell an adult, you're old enough to know what you want, please... think again. Because you'll never know, maybe you are on the same boat. Maybe she's just like you. . . . Drowning.